Monday, August 24, 2015

Blog Post 0

Prior experiences using technology:
Although I grew up using a PC, for the past few years I have transitioned to a Mac.  I have used powerpoint and word multiple times.  As far as social media goes, I rarely go on facebook, and I do not have a Twitter, Tumbler, Instagram, or anything else (besides Pinterest).  My job requires much use of technology -- I am a Production Assistant at Celebration Baptist Church, and extensively use Final Cut Pro and various camera equipment.    

What I hope to learn in class: 
I very much hope to learn the basics of Excel (especially because for many jobs, knowledge of Excel is a necessity).  I also hope to learn how technology can be properly integrated with teaching.

What I learned from the learning style test: 
My results from the learning style test indicated that I am a highly (9) reflective, partially intuitive (3) and visual (5), and mostly (7) global learner.  The reflective "diagnosis" makes complete sense to me in that reflective learners must have time to sit and independently think about the material to fully understand it.  The description of intuitive learners "preferring possibilities and relationships" over facts also fits my learning preference.  The score of "5" on visual learning quite surprised me; I expected a higher number.  Finally, the higher global score of "7" makes much sense to me, seeing that I understand foreign information much better once I understand the "big picture."

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