Saturday, November 21, 2015

#1 ILP "Participation" - Technology-Related Lecture (Ted Talk)

1. Evidence: picture/activity log:
I watched the Ted Talk "Let's use video to re-invent education" by Salman Khan, presented in March, 2011, in Longbeach, California.

2. Description of learning experience:
For my first Independent Learning Project, I watched a TED (technology, entertainment, and design) Talk on the topic of Online Education, given by the creator of Kahn Academy, Salman Khan.  This was an incredibly interesting talk that addressed the success and advantage of video-based learning.  Salman began his talk by describing how he started Khan Academy (putting educational videos on youtube for his cousins).  From these videos, he received messages from students, parents, and teachers -- thanking him for his help and encouraging him to do more.  Thus, the Khan Academy, a not-for-profit was built, and today has thousands of videos spanning every subject and learning-level.  Salman Khan then spoke on the "next step" of his company, detailing successful "flipped-classrooms" and explaining his concept of knowledge maps (as of 2011, there were 90 available).  Paralleling his method to that of learning how to ride a bike, Salman Khan's knowledge maps allow for student practice and failure, but does not allow advancement in subject material until mastery is accomplished.  Traditional education allows for "swiss holes" in student learning, but by ensuring student understanding of basic concepts, the more complex teachings will be more effectively learned.  Teacher-specific tools have also been added to Khan academy, enabling instructors to keep tabs on each student, what level they are at, how they compare to the rest of the class, how long they spend on the material each day, et cetera.  In conclusion of his lecture, Salman Khan painted the picture of this "one world classroom" that Khan Academy is attempting to create.            

3. Product/ Evidence:

The TED Talk can be reached at this link:

The Khan Academy website can be reached at this link:

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