Monday, November 16, 2015

Blog Post 10:

Power Point Interaction:
I thought I already knew powerpoint, but this week's assignment taught me things I never knew powerpoint could do!  The action buttons for example -- I never thought of creating a non-linear presentation, but with actions buttons a boring, familiar powerpoint can be turned into an interactive and fun presentation!  I certainly plan to utilize this method of powerpoint in my future teaching career.  It would be a good way to make practice quizzes for my students, for example.  I have nothing to change about this assignment.   

Data Collection Tools: 
For my future teaching career, I see the potential of using data collection tools and plan on using data collection in a multiplicity of ways.  For a high school Literature class for example, I could collect data on student opinions on required readings, test score data, end-of-year review data, even data from parents through email.  In more math and science based courses, data collection can be more student driven when assignments require them to obtain and analyze project data.

Technology-Related Skill:
...that I would like to learn next -- Tips for/ better  understanding of Cloud Computing/ Storage/ backup/ sharing.  Although this is a broad topic, I think I would really benefit from a deeper knowledge of The Cloud and the best ways to integrate it into my classroom/ teach my students its practicality and usefulness.  It's true I know some basics of "the cloud" concept, but I feel as if I'm still stuck in "save-to-hard-drive" mode.  Seeing the quick progression of digital work now being saved, shared, and stored in the cloud (and the weighty risk of not doing so, chancing loss of work if computer crashes) strongly prompts me to really learn the ins and out of this new, but already prominent, internet hallmark.  

Achieving my Educational Technology Goals:
Enhancing my teaching with purposeful and helpful technology will be a constant process throughout my future years of teaching -- largely due to the fact that technology is always changing and advancing.  In effort to stay up-to-date, I hope to collaborate with other teachers, continue tech/education research to keep my knowledge and ideas fresh, reach out to technology experts to understand their perspective, and ask my students about how they would like to see technology integrated into their education (if age appropriate).  And of course, I will keep my class textbook from EME 2040 for reference when I need it!  

1 comment:

  1. Excellent post, Hunter! It sounds like you have an excellent plan for your future! Collaboration is so important in this field- especially when it comes to technology in the classroom!
