Monday, November 2, 2015

Blog Post 8

I believe electronic paper holds the biggest promise for future education.  Once it becomes more fully developed and sold at a more affordable price (currently around $100), I predict that this technology will be a great asset to the majority of classrooms and schools.  Not only will it drastically decrease the need for paper, but it is a much improved alternative to ebook readers/ tablets -- lighter, flexible, unbreakable, compact, and (soon to be) less expensive.  As long as this technology doesn't have a significantly adverse affect on handwriting, this tool has a very positive outlook for widespread usage in classrooms (especially if it adopts the "book-like" screen of some e-readers rather than a computer-like screen that can be distressing to the eyes).
One future technology not mentioned in chapter 12 is the possibility of educational robots.  Described in the above hyperlink, a robot named "Betty" is designed to "learn" from students, enhancing the students' learning process while not being judgmental (as another human might be).  

The digital divide is the gap between people who have access to technology (and knowledge/ use) and those who do not.  This disparity is a major problem since modern advancements are increasingly tech/ computer-based -- meaning education, jobs, employment skills, et cetera will be more and more technologically based.  Therefore, those with little to no access to these technologies are at a significant disadvantage in the work force and education realm.  Luckily, I have have grown up with access to technology, knowledge of its use, and frequent practice of tech-skills.  My accessibility and knowledge of technology/ computers places me in the "digital native" category.  However, not all students in my future classroom will be "digital natives" as I am.  In effort to boost "internet-fluency" I will integrate computers and technology into my lessons, making sure to give practical tips to all students.     


  1. Excellent post, Hunter! The educational robots are a really hot topic right now... I'm glad you mentioned them in your post!

  2. Hey Hunter! I love how you talked about electronic paper. I think you brought up some really interesting points and it would be a very versatile resource as paper is used so frequently. Really cool post!
